Tree language

The tree language is a frontend for the framework itself. Generally, the language is a simple dsl encompassing the basic abstractions
and enabling to create of the building block upon the abstractions \

Why the language is needed

The basic idea behind the language is an attempt to provide a set of generalizations
which will alleviate the redundancy in some cases.

  • The language allows creating the tree definitions accepting other trees as parameters (higher order trees)
  • The language provides lambda definitions

The syntax of the language is very simple and is described in this chapter.

Structure of the project

The scripts are supposed to be in the folder which is marked as root directory. All imports start from the root and represent a path relating to the root directory:

 - project_folder
    - main.tree
    - gripper.tree
    - cv.tree
    - utility
        - utility.tree
        - helpers.tree

The project should have at least one root tree definition. If the project has several, the one that is supposed to run needs to be pointed out to.

File extension

The files have the extension tree.