The decorators are the specific type of node, that transforms the result of its child. Every decorator has a specific keyword and set of parameters.
** Every decorator should have solely one child **
The keyword is inverter
The decorator inverts the result of the child.
Only the final results are inverted, for running
the result will be
as well
main root sequence {
inverter check_condition() // inverts the result
The keyword is force_success
Always returns success
regardless of the child response
The keyword is force_fail
Always returns failure
regardless of the child response
The keyword is repeat
It repeats the child so the number of times according to the passing parameter
- count: the number of repetitions. 0 by default
- if the count is 0 the repeat becomes an infinite loop
// the job will be performed INF times
root main_idle repeat {
// the job will be performed 5 times
root main repeat(5) {
The keyword is retry
If the child returns failure
, the decorator tries to run it again.
The number of attempts is restricted by the given argument
- attempt: the number of repetitions. 0 by default
- if the attempt is 0 the Retry becomes an infinite loop
// 0 by default. will be never failed.
root main retry {
sequence {
// the decorator will try to repeat the sequence upt to 10 times if it returns failure
root main_with_retry retry(10) {
sequence {
The keyword is timeout
The decorator tries to measure how long the child is running and shut id down if it exceeds the limit.
For now, it works only for asynchronous actions since the decorator measures time when the child returns running
- limit: the threshold in milliseconds. 1000 by default.
// if the squence works asynchonously (returns running)
// the timeout will count up the time of the first start
// and then recheck it every time when the child returns running
root main_with_retry timeout {
sequence {
The keyword is delay
The decorator delays the initial run of the child for the given as a parameter time.
- wait: the delay time in milliseconds. 0 by default.
// the delay is zero
root main delay job()
// the delay is 1 second
root main_d delay(1000) job()